GSF in Uganda and Mexico: empowering sister-led programs transforming the lives of the most vulnerable

Earlier in 2024, the Global Solidarity Forum partnered with a network of religious women congregations to strengthen programs to empower vulnerable communities, with a focus on young girls, mothers and children, with a goal to improve access to healthcare and job opportunities in Uganda, Nigeria and Mexico. These programs aim to reach more than 200’000 women and children across the three countries via a network of more than 50 sisters’ congregations and local NGOs.

In October and November 2024, the GSF team had a mission visiting the sister-led programs in Uganda and Mexico with the following objectives:

  • Uganda Healthcare
    • Enhance healthcare services to 32 health facilities, via capacity building programs and procurement of essential equipment, in collaboration with LifeNet International
    • Improve quality of maternal and newborn services via training programs to nurses, and increase awareness and treatment for cervical cancer and birth injury repairs, in collaboration with the Catholic Religious Sisters Health Care Initiative Uganda
  • Uganda Inclusive Economy

Sister Led Youth Program (SLYI) that provides upskilling training to young women in rural areas and start up kids to start their own enterprises, coordinated by the Association of Religious Uganda (ARU)

  • Mexico Migrants Programs

the aim is to uplift migrants and refugees by providing comprehensive support for employment and housing needs in Tijuana, led by the Scalabrini Sisters

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