Our Vision

The Global Solidarity Forum is an international organization that is building bridges and making innovative connections.
Inspired by Pope Francis and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, we are working with the Catholic Church’s global network, and its historic understanding and closeness with the marginalized, beginning with migrants, women, and children. We are aligning those vast resources with the transformative expertise of diverse global actors, many with a growing sense of purpose and a desire to contribute to systemic change.
We’re combining the local and global reach of these new alliances to achieve a just and critical goal: a society that embraces the world’s most vulnerable.
Our Inspiration

Leaders of GSF serve as ambassadors to support Pope Francis’ vision of an inclusive global economy for the common good and for our common home. GSF’s leadership is comprised of lay members and representatives from the Holy See, who contribute inspirational and experienced insight on how to support this vision.
With GSF as a catalyst, global leaders, businesses and institutions will have the ability to reach the world’s most vulnerable populations and accelerate global progress toward the SDGs on an unprecedented scale through the network and reach of the Catholic Church